If there is one word to describe Anna-Maria Pittella, it is courageous. Despite being young and at an early stage of her career, she decided to open her law firm at a time when there were more prominent barriers for women lawyers. Initially dedicated to litigation, Anna-Maria transformed her practice and was one of the pioneers of the family collaborative law movement since it began in New Jersey, breaking with the paradigms of the traditional divorce process. She is an accredited mediator and divorce attorney with years of experience, who has gone through a divorce herself and is committed to helping families by offering them ways to avoid litigation-the most traumatizing option for everyone involved. Anna-Maria, who feels fulfilled with the work she does, dives into the early days of her career and shares the most interesting anecdotes that would convince anyone of the vast benefits of collaborative family law, and that transitioning her practice from litigation to mediation was the best choice. This interview will remind you not to be afraid of change and to keep speaking up for what you believe in.

Included in this conversation:

Growing up with two doctors as parents

Her strongest female role model

Her educational background

Overcoming the barriers for women in law

How she got into family law

Taking part in a revolutionary moment for women lawyers

Why you should not be afraid of change

Speaking up for the right causes

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy

Her career development

Her vast amount of experience in family law

Stories that reflect the benefits of mediation

The importance of marital planning

Starting her own law firm

Why she stopped doing litigation

The special case that motivated her to mediate

Why you should avoid a “pit bull lawyer”

Transitioning her practice from litigation to mediation

Read more about Anna-Maria and her practice here: https://www.pittellalaw.com/

Find her on Facebook: @Anna.Maria.Pittella.Esquire https://www.facebook.com/Anna.Maria.Pittella.Esquire/

Find her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-maria-pittella-bb9a326/

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