Let's kick off 2022 with some major inspiration. John Rizvi, better known as The Patent Professor, is a Board Certified Patent Attorney and the founder of an IP law firm located in South Florida. John goes back to his childhood: the time where his interest in engineering and patent law started to peek through (since little, he already had dreams and sketches to create a spherical Rubik's Cube!). He has been featured in renowned magazines and his law firm is considered one of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States. Nevertheless, he's been through some challenging times, which he shares in this interview, and, fortunately, they have gotten him to where he is now. Listening to John talk about the trajectory of his career will motivate you to start working on that wild dream or idea you've been thinking about, but have been holding off. So ditch the fear and embarrassment, and make 2022 the year you start making big things happen for YOU! 

Included in this conversation:

Why he chose to become a lawyer

How he started his business

Why he prefers to work with passionate individuals instead of large corporations

His engineering background

His childhood dream: creating a spherical Rubik's Cube

The best and worst part of being a patent lawyer

What to do when you come up with a new idea or invention

The important change made to the US patent law in 2013

Steps to patent an idea

How he markets his business

Why you need to hire extraordinary people for your company

Why getting too comfortable is sabotaging your success

The importance of self-discipline when you're an entrepreneur

Being authentic: the key to success

Read more about John Rizvi and his practice here: https://thepatentprofessor.com/

Follow John on Instagram: @thepatentprofessor https://www.instagram.com/thepatentprofessor/

Find him on Facebook: @patentprofessor https://www.facebook.com/patentprofessor/

Find him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-patent-professor/

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