When you think of a lawyer, you probably think of a suit and tie, Law & Order, and a conservative human being. However, there is so much more to a person than meet's the eye.  You couldn't possibly know until you meet her in a personal setting - or listen to this show!  That is definitely true of #FEMSQUIRE Julia Dasaro-Drescher, Esq., an attorney in New Jersey.  
While Julia wasn't exactly sure what she wanted to be when she grew up, a short stint on her high school debate team sent her hurtling towards a long career in law whether she knew it or not!  Julia is a complex and interesting blend of art and creativity and scholastics and academia.  Find out more here.  
In this episode, we talk about…

Julia’s educational journey to becoming a lawyer

Going to Fordham University with Chris Cuomo

Aspirations for social justice and graduating law school in a recession 

Being a non-conformist in a profession that values conformity

Julia’s unusual artistic creativity in a usually-conservative industry

Becoming a jack-of-all-trades in numerous practice areas 

Breaking down Julia's family life and her influence on her creative and talented daughters

Raising an ADHD child with sensory input issues 

Julia's talents in the performing arts 

Starting her own business after a decade and the best advice she got early on

Experiencing the hiccups and growth spurts while growing the business

How important "growth" really is (or isn't) as a business owner 

Best life advice she ever got and what she would tell her 20-year-old self

Looking into Julia’s vision for the future

The comforts of being a solopreneur 

Links to resources:
Julia's website: https://www.dasarolaw.net
Julia's Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/dasarolaw/
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If you are a #FEMSQUIRE or female entrepreneur and you want to appear as a guest on Wake Up Call, let's talk!  Please email me at [email protected].

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