Travis Chappell is a direct sales expert who has built teams for several sales organizations over a few different industries and is also active in the real estate market. More recently he decided to pursue his passion of helping others and founded Build Your Network, a podcast dedicated to helping professionals grow their inner circle.

If you have ever wondered how to meet the influential people in your industry, if you have ever been frustrated because you just aren’t moving forward in your career as quickly as you thought you would, if you don’t lack ambition or a thirst for learning, but just can’t seem to get ahead, then look no further than Build Your Network.

If you believe that who you know is more important than what you know and that purposeful and persistent networking is crucial to accomplishing your goals in any area of life, then this is the podcast for you.

Three days a week, we will be having a conversation with a person who is considered to be a leader and professional in their field. We will hear stories from them on how certain connections with people in their lives led to accomplishing specific goals; we’ll get the best tips and tricks on how to network effectively, gather their thoughts on the importance of networking, and much more! Each episode is geared toward you, the aspiring professional, and helps you to uncover the secrets of networking in order to push you to the next level of success in your life.

Travis Chappell Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in Lancaster; moved to Frenso briefly then back to Lancaster
How he ended up moving back into the house he grew up in
Volunteered to run John Lee Dumas' both at Podcast Movement
Landed Chris Guillebeau as a podcast guest because he helped JLD
His ebook "Groupology" describes how to be giving, patient and genuine
Building your inner circle is a long play game; not a quick fix short cut
Using facebook groups to be genuine, giving and patient works when done right

Travis Chappell Links

Build Your Network