Stefani Reinold is a board certified psychiatrist, maternal mental health expert, and Founder of Not the Typical Mom -- a blog and podcast about the not so typical, but all too common issues of motherhood. She helps high achieving moms escape the stereotypes, find their hearts, and embrace who they really are so that they can kill it in life, love and business.
Stefani Reinold Vroom Veer Stories

In Vroom Vroom mode, always wanted to be a Doctor of the M.D. variety since forever
Got into a pre-med program on scholarship...and then did NOT get accepted into Med school...Yokes Scoob!
World fell apart--what am I going to do know?  What do I do with a Bachelors Degree in Biology?
Found the perfect job!  Spend a year working as a project manager working on fund raising; job was specifically for someone working to get into med school
While in medical school, started looking at the online business space and the lives of Doctors; the life of a M.D. was not as advertised
Looking for a specialty that would allow her create a business and get some work/life balance; landed on Psychiatry...which is a veer moment
During her first year of residency, endured a mountain of stress--Husband is an Army officer in a Command position; she moved away from family; she's in a very tough school program; on top of Postpartum Depression
She finally had to reach out to get help herself in the form of mental health treatment; which, at the time felt shameful.  She has since learned that was misplaced shame

The Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory

Stefani Reinold Connections

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