Sir John Hargrave returns to Vroom Vroom Veer! Sir John is the CEO of Media shower and author the book, now in hardcover, "Mind Hacking".  John went without food for 21 days while running his business and launching his new book.  He did this to show that Mind Hacking works...we talk about that and much more.

Sir John Hargrave Vroom Veer Stories

What was it like going without food for 21 days?  Did you need new Mind Hacks?
What is the "origin story" of Mind Hacking?  It involved a visit from the secret service.
John Nash says healing his mind was a process not like waking up from a dream
How the movie "A Beautiful Mind" was a subjective experience of a person with schizophrenia
Pema Chodra points out the only difference between illusion and delusion is illusion is shared.
How we both used mind hacking to achieve goals in life such as starving ourselves
Sam Harris points out the "real you" is not hungry, tired, sleeping, et al...your body is.

Sir John Hargrave Links

Mind Hacking on Amazon
Mind Hacking Website - links to free e-book versions

Other Links Mentioned

Sam Harris Free Meditations