Michelle Dutro, is a veteran of the military and fire department. She has over 15 years’ experience in preventive medicine, which she emphasizes good health as she works to motivate others to pursue their passions in life with her classes and podcast.
Michelle Dutro Vroom Veer Stories

We swap stories about the Air Force and Michelle interviews Jeff
Michelle tried to changed the military...and then got out early!
Michelle talks about a veer moment after working in sales 15 years
Thinks through all the helper professions and lands on firefighter
Later, realized she'd really rather help people prevent 911 calls
Moved into coaching and preventive medicine, yoga, meditation
Jeff's one thread right now is a 45-day no alcohol experiment
If you want some free coaching invite Michelle to be a guest on your podcast

Michelle Dutro Links
Inner North Star - Website 

The Game Changer Podcast