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Perry Marshall is one of the world’s most expensive and sought-after business consultants. Clients seek his ability to integrate engineering, sales, art and psychology.

Perry launched two movements in modern marketing. His Google AdWords books laid the foundations for the $100 billion Pay Per Click industry, and techniques he pioneered are standard best practices. He wrote the world’s best selling book on web advertising, Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords.

Recently, Perry turned “80/20” into a verb.  80/20 is not just a fact about your business, it’s action you take on your business. 80/20 is the central lever for every great strategy. His book 80/20 Sales & Marketing is mandatory in many growing companies. His books are course material in several business schools.

His other works include bestseller Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising (Entrepreneur Press), Evolution 2.0: Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design (BenBella) and Industrial Ethernet (ISA).

Perry consulted in over 300 industries and served as an expert witness for marketing and Google AdWords litigation.

In 2015 he launched the Evolution 2.0 Prize, which seeks to solve one of the top ten unsolved mysteries in all of science.

Direct Marketing maverick Dan Kennedy says, “If you don’t know who Perry Marshall is — unforgivable. Perry’s an honest man in a field rife with charlatans.”
Perry Marshall Vroom Veer Stories

Perry is a cat person AND kids wanted a dog, found the perfect compromise "Gracie" the Cockapoo
80/20 goes much deeper than most people think; as Perry found out writing his book
Perry focused on applying 80/20 to sales/marketing; and the 80/20 in every 80/20 idea; it's fractal
20 yrs ago, laid off w/ baby 6 months away; changed from engineer to sales guy; big veer!
One type of salesman:  "The Hostage Negotiator"; stick them in a room and money levitates out of pockets.
Build relationships and solve problems sales strategy doesn't work
Heard Dan Kennedy say that pounding the phone/pavement really sucks; don't do that!
Internet Marketers like the idea of people more than actual people; prefer to work in isolation
Your superpowers get you in trouble; one way to figure out what they are
Fake fax joke; from CEO to branches; all branches will be closed effective Friday--got fired.
Perry's superpower turned out to be writing sales emails that speak directly to the individual

Perry Marshall Links
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