Jim Palmer is a marketing and business building expert and in demand small business coach. He is the founder of the Dream Business Academy and Dream Business Coaching and Mastermind Program. Jim is the host of Dream Business Coach TV, and the Dream Business Radio Podcast. Jim is a serial entrepreneur and creator of No Hassle Newsletters, No Hassle Social Media, Concierge Print and Mail on Demand Success Advantage Publishing, Custom Article Generator – just to name a few!

Jim is also the acclaimed author of Just Say Yes – Create Your Dream Business and Live Your Dream Lifestyle; Decide- The Ultimate Success Trigger, Stop Waiting For It To Get Easier, The Fastest Way to Higher Profits, Stick Like Glue, It’s Okay To Be Scared, But Never Give Up and The Magic of Newsletter Marketing.

Jim Palmer Vroom Veer Stories

How your "What ifs" are holding you back; Jim ran his boat a ground; it was ok
"Just say Yes" to your dream life adventures; Jim faced the fear of navigating his boat on open ocean
Jim's 1st job at age 15 came from just saying yes to a job as a bicycle mechanic without knowing how
When you say yes to something new and exciting; it means you are going to have to say no to something else
How moving faster generates more results in a shorter amount of time; like writing a book in months vs. years
When we forgive others we do it for ourselves to let go of the emotional burden; not for the other person
Big change in life doesn't happen when we feel weak and timid; big change requires bold moves

Jim Palmer Links

Just Say Yes Book
Our Floating Home Blog
Jim's Web Site