Oscar Trimboli is the author of Deep Listening: Impact beyond words, The 125/400 Rule: The Art and Science of Listening and Breakthroughs: How to confront your assumptions. Working with boards and executive teams, Oscar has experienced first-hand the transformational impact leaders can have when they listen beyond the words.

Oscar Trimboli Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

What is the 125/400 Rule?  How can we use this rule to listen better?
Talk about how there is an Art and Science to listening
What is Deep Listening?  Can we learn some techniques?
What is the difference between a good listener and a great listener?
How can you listen to what is unsaid?  How do we get all of the words out?
What do you mean when you say "Everyone sees in color, but then listen in Black and White"?
What was it like growing in Sydney Australia with Immigrant parents from Italy?

Oscar Trimboli Connections


Oscar's Book  Deep Listening: Impact Beyond Words