Joseph Romm was named one of “The 100 People Who Are Changing America” by Rolling Stone magazine. CNN host Van Jones calls Romm “the communicator’s communicator.”  Time magazine named Romm one of the “Heroes of the Environment (2009)” calling him “The Web’s most influential climate change blogger.”

Joseph Romm Vroom Veer Stories

How do we use figures of speech in headlines?  Alliterations and metaphors are pretty common ideas.
Peter Parker, Louis Lane, Clark Kent, J. Jonah Jameson - the comic writers now about alliterations
The hero's journey is the perfect template for any idea you'd like to make easier to remember
Bards from 10,000 years ago used stories sequence, rhythm, rhyme and repetition to create ideas that would be remembered and repeated; doesn't remind you of EVERY pop song ever?
What are the three emotions that inspire people to want to click and comment?
One emotion is Awe; people want to identify themselves with awesome people, tribes and ideas
Outrage might be overused today on social media, everyone is coat tailing certain leaders in using outrage to dominate the daily news cycle

Joseph Romm Connections

On Wikipedia (Joe's been busy)

Latest book “How to Go Viral and Reach Millions”