Monica Shah is a seven-figure business coach who helps entrepreneurs build businesses that support their ideal lifestyles. After receiving her MBA from the Kellogg School of Management and working in marketing for L'Oreal Paris, Monica left corporate to start her first company – and then her second company, Revenue Breakthrough. Today, she takes her clients step by step through building, growing and expanding their businesses. She combines her business acumen with her intuition and healing abilities to help her clients get unstuck, eliminate self-sabotage and move through fear. She is also the author of Getting Rich: You're Doing It Backwards and Pause: 52 Questions that Lead to More Money and Time.

Monica Shah Vroom Veer Stories

Worked with animals at the Cincinnati Zoo in high school and into college; was planning on a career working with animals; discovered she was allergic to animal hair and had to work with people instead
In college majored in religion, environmental science, and writing--those seem disconnected but they all served her well in her future life and work
First job out of college she worked project management and change management for a consulting firm; helped Ralph Lauren put their brand on the web during the boom; the person in charge of web development at Ralph Lauren was 28 years old
Did her MBA and then got a job with L'Oreal of Paris; Monica stuck out like a sore thumb--the company is run by smart beautiful women really into hair and makeup since a young age--much like the movie "The Devil wears Prada"
Working @ L'Oreal emptying bottles of lotion at 2 am with her boss who says--"Is this NOT the MOST fun thing you've ever done?"  The question led Monica to leave L'Oreal and start her own business
Leaving L'Oreal she had the experience of doing 3 product launches a year; so she thought she was hot shit and was going to just kill as an entrepreneur right away; the reality was after a year she was 25K in debt and couldn't figure had to pay it off
Stuck in a mode of working 60 hours/week so she didn't have to work 40 hours/week for someone else; walked dogs, did cat sitting, did focus groups and rented out her apartment; rock bottom was sitting on floor in a New York subway feeling like a bag lady
She gave herself one year to figure out this business thing (with help) and if it didn't work; she would go get a job.  She learned that she was doing the business steps in the wrong order; like writing a book when you don't have money for groceries
Once she learned the 5 steps and the right order in which to take the steps; she was able to make enough money in her business to pay off her debt she also put 12K in the bank; every year after that she was able to double or triple her revenue
How feeling shame about not making money holds us back from making money
One "money type" is an avoider who has difficulty looking at numbers related to money; conversion rates; sales figures; sending out invoices

Monica Shah Connections

Revenue Breakthrough