Alistair Clay is a former national news journalist turn PR pro who has turned his back on the agency world to democratise PR for the small business community. DIY til you die is my motto!

Alistair Clay Vroom Veer Stories

Using his 20 years of experience in journalism and PR to teach business owners to do their own PR work--he also shares How to Write a Press Release for FREE
Grew up near Stratford-upon-Avon, the birth place of William Shakespeare; his mother ran their home as a B&B; he grew up with visitors from Japan, Australia , the US in his home.
Went to University in Sheffield for a 3 year party; played music in band in the Britpop scene; studied human geography and politics
Almost joined the Royal Air Force; went through the very competitive application process for a scholarship; then woke up one day and said "this isn't for me"
Gets a call from a very serious sounding "wing commander" from the RAF asking him to reconsider joining up and helping his country in Iraq; this has a funny conclusion
After graduation; decided he wanted to be a journalist; had to get a post-grad diploma in journalism
Wanted a national newspaper job at age 22; everyone said that we impossible; found a job in a local little paper that was in the same office as the National Mirror office; took that job
Great story about how he knew that Twitter would change everything because it was a news wire for everybody; journalists were no longer the gatekeepers of news
His meditation practice is based on a Tibetan Buddhist practice that he does for 20 minutes every morning; but more importantly he integrate the practice throughout the work day buy taking 10, 20, 30 seconds to rest his mind with a "mini meditation"
Was burnt out after his career in journalism; got some acupuncture to treat his burn out; he noticed that the acupuncturist is very calm and chill; which slowing leads him to get into Tibetan Buddhism; study meditation; and go on retreats in India
England defeats Germany 5-1

Alistair Clay Connections

Blog Post:  How to Write a Press Release

Arc Seven