The Honest Weigh

Melissa Ronda is the fearlessly forthright weight loss expert who helps busy women lose massive amounts of weight while eating food they actually want to eat. She is a true crime fanatic, podcast junkie, and lover of dresses with pockets. Since launching The Honest Weigh in 2014, Melissa has lead clients to weight loss totally over 17,000 pounds and counting! But even more important than that, they keep it off with the skills they continue to implement.

Melissa Ronda Vroom Veer Stories

Excited to ride the wave of New Year's resolutions and help women start a new life and lose a ton of weightGrowing up as an obese kid; Dad had candy and popcorn stores; grew up with unhealthy relationships with family and foodShe didn't know how to communicate with herself or others; she didn't think her thoughts or feelings were valuable in anyway; she used food to repress those negative emotionsHer father was in a wheelchair due to his obesity; she was co-dependent and trying to take care of himShe was meal prepping for him using portion control; and he would sneak off and eat Fast Food; so healthy meal prepping became a theme in her lifeShe started focusing on her "old lady hands" and went to see a natural path to try something different; she prescribe norco a strong addictive opioidIt felt like if everyone else would do the things like if my husband would get a job; if my dad would take care of himself; she spent all her energy worrying about other peopleShe didn't realize she could make decisions and take actions herself that would change her realityAfter she divorced the guy on the coach with no job; she started lifting weights and something clicked inside her mind; there is such a thing as "good pain" and this is it

Melissa Ronda Connections


