David Tomen has been researching nootropics and brain optimization for over 10 years. When he's not writing about nootropics, he's travelling the world (45 countries so far), sailing, diving, studying neuroscience or sitting under an umbrella on Miami Beach.

David Tomen Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

David Tomen’s journey with nootropic supplements began when he was diagnosed with Adult ADD.After years of buying self-help books, being passed over for promotions, and even suffering depression over his inability to focusRitalin helped turn his life and career around But a few short years later found David in the ER with a laundry list of symptoms. Neurologists tested him for early onset Alzheimer's which came back negative.Not only was David struggling with focus again but now he was sufferingfrom complete memory loss, chronic fatigue, depression, and his business and marriage were in deep trouble.With a methodically researched regimen of supplements and lifestyle changes, he was able to not only recover but to get his brain working better than ever before. David helps Jeff build a basic nootropics stack for energy and focus after lunch

David Tomen Connections
