Mary Bicknell is a hoot and a half!  Her show was an instant Best Of show...funny, open, honest and little bit raw...this show might make you laugh cry or both...get ready!

How amazing is Mary Bicknell?  Her bio needs bullet points!

Mary Bicknell is a Cognitive Behaviorist
She is the author of How to Have a Better Love Life, 21 Secrets to Get You Started and the creator of THE BIG, BOLD LIFE & BIZ PLAN.
Speaker, Blogger, Coach
Mary Bicknell is a Transformational Coach who specializes in neuro-linguistic programming.
A licensed psychotherapist
Worked at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore Maryland
Served at the State Capitol of Oklahoma as a Statistical Policy Analyst.
Lobbied politicians to recognize women’s rights and participated in marches on the National Mall in Washington DC.
Works out to 80's Heavy Metal Music

Mary Bicknell's Key Veers

The vroom vroom theme of hiding her truth from her self and others.
She hide with Men and Booze!  This was during Mary's first marriage when she was lying to herself about what she wanted.  She hide behind her man, and she hide behind booze and getting drunk and having fun.
One Veer:  Said no to a big job promotion...and quit at the same do her own thing.
Another veer-quit Booze forever

She was usually happy drinking...then one day she became an angry drunk...and THAT scared her.

Whileshewasvrooming, she was lying to herselfaboutherdesireto be a mother.

Realized she DID want to have a child at 30
At one point her husband told her he wasn't sure he wanted to have another child...Mary was ready to get a divorce after only 2 months of marriage.
She didn't know at the time, but she was already pregnant...

Figured out how she wanted to show up as a mom
Getting to know her day as an adult at 40
Wonders when she will forgive her mom


Mary Bicknell's Web Site

The Art of Thought: Graham Wallas on the Four Stages of Creativity, 1926