Heather Ann Havenwood returns to Vroom Vroom Veer!  The second show is fun, because we already know each other a bit and the conversation is a little more relaxed and comfortable.  Among the many very fun digressions, we talk about how to tell your story on a podcast.

CEO of Havenwood Worldwide, LLC and Chief Sexy Boss, is a serial entrepreneur and regarded as a top authority on internet marketing, business strategies and marketing. Since marketing her first online business in 1999, bringing together clients and personal coaches, she played an active role in the online marketing world since before most even had a home computer.

In 2006 she started, developed and grew an online information marketing publishing company from ground zero to over $1 million in sales in less than 12 months. Starting without a list, a product, a name or an offer, Heather Ann molded her client into a successful guru now known as an expert in his field.

Named by a few as an ‘Icon Creator’ or the ‘Wizard Behind the Curtain’. She instructed, coached and promoted hundreds of entrepreneurs leading them down the path to success. She produced and managed over 350 seminars and events and hosted tele-seminars with many top online thought leaders such as Richard Flint, John Alanis, Susan Bratton, Alicia Lyttle, Tom Antion, Alex Mandossian, Legend Joe Sugarman, Anthony Blake, David Lakhani, Robert Shemin and many others.

Heather Ann is the Author of…Sexy Boss: How the empowerment of women is changing the Rule Book for sex, money and success (available on Amazon click HERE!) and The Game of Dating and How to Play it: A rule book for divorced men stepping back into the game.

She is smart, sexy, savvy and now stepping out from behind the curtain to educate, enlighten and empower women entrepreneurs to grow or start an online business and live a fearless and fulfilled life.

Be You! Be REAL! Be the BOSS of your LIFE!

Heather Ann Havenwood Vroom Veer Stories

Speaking of sexy, Jeff tells a story about getting a "look" in a restaurant
Helping tacticians, practitioners, & doers with sales and self promotion
Did a 30-min chat on a podcast, and got a $5000 client-Let's rinse/repeat
Did about 180 podcasts since Sep 2015, didn't to travel once & wore PJs
Background in copyrighting & improv combined for success
Six-step story structure to tell your story on a podcast; hero's journey
"I'm smart.  That won't happen to me." attitude is adjusted after a major bankruptcy
We are conditioned to be failure adverse; in business, failure is required

Heather Ann Havenwood Links

Heather Ann's Web Site

Podcast 30-30

Michael Hauge Story Mastery

P.S:  If you click on links to amazon, those are my "Amazon Associate" links and I earn a little bit of money if you buy from my link...so THANKS!  :D