Lyle Haugen, RHC and RNHC, is a Type 1 diabetic and a registered nutrition health coach. He was diagnosed in 1985, a week after surviving an industrial explosion at a natural gas facility. As a result, Lyle faced a number of hardships, having to change from his trained profession in commercial diving and suffering from associated conditions, like eye problems, Crohns/Colitis, and diabetic gastroparesis.
After 20+ years experimenting with various treatments, Lyle decided to seize control of his own health. With years of diabetes experience and training as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Lyle developed a simple yet effective system for all those who live with Type 1, where balancing those sugars will net improvements in health, resolve many conditions, and help transform a new life.

Lyle Haugen Vroom Veer Stories

Amazing story about how he survives getting blown up near the arctic circle while working on a job; survives the explosion but the trauma kicked his body into type 1 diabetesLearns to live in the "prison" of type 1, trying to work out 4 four variables of diet, insulin, exercise, and avoiding fight or flight situations; he saw this a a quadratic equationHe developed all sorts of extra conditions that go along with type 1, Crohns/Colitis, eye problems and diabetic gatroparesisBetween doctors he took a job that required him to pack his food for the entire gig; he put together nuts, healthy fats and proteins and minimal carbs; learned he was on to somethingSolved for x of insulin by hitting the sweet spot of long term insulin to keep his base level where it needed to be without big spikesSolved for y by eating healthy whole foods; z was walking and pickle ball which everyone should check outThe final variable of fight or flight he didn't "fix"; but manages with meditation; breathing techniques and other ways to stay calm in stressful situations

Lyle Haugen Connections
