Jennifer Leigh, the founder of Graceful and Gumption.  Jennifer is a consultant, both personally and professionally, that specializes in self improvement and overcoming trauma.  She helps people live more fully and authentically and have a more positive mindset.  Jennifer is a NYC soul with a Minneapolis heart set on helping others be their authentic self. 
After dealing with a rough pregnancy, getting a divorce, and selling her business, Jennifer launched her blog in January 2018 to break out of the prison cell her life had begun to feel like.
After enduring such hardships, she made it her priority to help others who had been through similar experiences.
Jennifer knows how challenging overcoming setbacks and tragedy is, and is more than willing to help others come out the other side of adversity.

Jennifer Leigh Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

As a teenager; her first day of her first job working for a veterinarian she had to help put down a dog; this was very traumatic for her Made a goal to stick with the vet job long enough to afford to buy her own pair of boots! She got that done and quit the jobSpent years working in hospice and palliative care; helping people gracefully exit life can be rewarding and beautiful; but it really takes a tollStarted a skin care business as a side hustle; things started taking off and got real exciting; she was not ready for the changes that come along with outside investorsShe decided to close that business down and about the same time went through a tough divorceMoved to Minnesota to be close to her ex-husband's family so her twin boys could be close to their dadPeople started asking her for help both personally and professionally to work through change and trauma; great organic start to any business

Jennifer Leigh Connections


