Josh Cary spent 40 years in hiding! That's right. He was hiding every aspect of himself and showing up with a mask on in all areas of life trying to gain the approval of everyone else. Today, Josh Cary is a podcast host and business coach to entrepreneurs who are ready, willing, and able to say F That NOISE!

At 19, he changed his name and entered into, what would become, a 15-year career as a professional actor and filmmaker. The applause and external accolades didn’t completely heal his feelings of anxiety and insecurities and he found himself more isolated than ever.

Today, Josh Cary is a podcast host and business coach to entrepreneurs who are ready, willing, and able to say “F That NOISE!”

“F That NOISE” in their head that’s been acting as the comfortable excuse for remaining where they are.

As a digital media and creative consultant, Josh has the uncanny ability to bring the human side out of each person. Whether it’s as a guest on his show or working directly together, you quickly feel consumed by his unique natural energy, bright outlook and creative mind.

He is also a proud father and credits his adoring two young children with helping him to turn things around and embrace the mortality of life.

Josh helps his clients ‘unmask’ themselves by leading them through poignant, important, and direct questions. This approach results in a profound and honest experience that reveals aspects, desires, and philosophies within you that have been dormant for years.

On his podcast, The Hidden Entrepreneur, Josh speaks with successful entrepreneurs, creatives, and small business owners who were also once in the darkest of hiding places so you may rediscover your world, connect beautifully with others, and excel in all you set out to do. The podcast has been downloaded in 18 countries.
Josh Cary Vroom Veer Stories

Came to the podcast world knowing that he would really enjoy it; he was really surprised that the podcast became the core of his business
He was very close to being named Farah!  His mother really wanted a daughter, but Josh came instead; disappointed his mother at birth
His older brothers were 9 and 6 years older, so they wanted nothing to do with him; so Josh was seeking attention--no one was interested; so Josh retreated into himself
This script "nobody cares what I have to say; nobody wants me around; I don't fit in" caused Josh to hid until he was 40 years old
Josh learned that everyone feels like an akward misfit; people either try to isoloate or embrace their uniqueness
In 8th grade, Renee Stevenson (sp?) asked Josh if he was going to audition for the school play; The director noticed that Josh was acting like a clown and kids were laughing "AT" him; he was cast as the comic relief
Auditioned for the BFA program at a state university in New Jersey and he was accepted!
This BFA program required students to re-audition every year to remain in the program; Josh was NOT asked to return; but the dean did have a box of tissues on the table
Finds a 2 year musical theater program in New York City, and since he played Danny Zuko (Grease) in High School he figured he could pull it off; he is accepted!
He and his roommate from the music theater program teamed up as a comedy duo and performed in New York and on the road for seven years
The next move was he became a web designer and learned how to build web sites that rank on Google
Met someone with a dog walking business and thought; wow I like this so he made his own dog walking business; leveraged his web and SEO skills to quickly grow that business
Realized that other dog walking businesses needed help with digital marketing SEO and web design---BOOM another business
Now, he is helping podcasters create their best interviews with training programs
