Note:  This is still a good show but "buyer beware" check this link about America's Money Answer Man.  I have my money in wealthfront and betterment.  If a deals sounds to good to be true than it probably is.

Jordan Goodman is known as American’s Money Answers Man because he has been answering Americans’ questions about personal finance for over 35 years. He was the Wall Street Correspondent at MONEY Magazine for 18 years, was the financial commentator on NBC News for 9 years, and was on Marketplace radio for 6 years. Jordan is a regular guest on radio and TV shows across America and is the host of the national Money Answers Radio Show on the Voice America Business Network. He has written 14 books on financial topics including The Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms, Fast Profits in Hard Times, Master Your Debt and the Ultimate Guide to Student Loans. His website is which is loaded with helpful resources and links.
Jordan Goodman Vroom Veer Stories

Big Veer!  Co-authored a book with a famous money guy who ends up in prison for money based crimes
Got permission from criminal co-author to remove his name and photo from his book
Great place to park your cash instead of a bank account that pays 8% or better
Amazing strategy to pay off your mortgage in as little as 5-7 years instead of 30
How to get the best deal on a car without ever haggling and getting screwed
Creative way to get a great pay off from your life insurance policy while you are still alive
Free web site that will help you re-finance your car loan to payments you can afford

Jordan Goodman Links