John Pollock is the CEO of Financial Gravity.  He has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs to find legal, moral and ethical ways to lower their tax, raise profit and create wealth. The result? His clients can finally start living their American Dream – a key reason they started their business in the first place.

Through John and a host of mega-talented guests, The Financial Gravity Podcast delivers more than just entertainment and good content. You will come away transformed and equipped with real-world strategies you can immediately use to solve your most challenging business problems, including the ones you thought couldn’t be fixed.

John Pollock Vroom Veer Stories

Didn't like college, couldn't sit through boring repeatative of stuff
Learned he was good at sales; worked in corporate sales jobs
Earned 500k selling insurance and then paid the staff and taxes; didn't really earn 500k
Learned how to keep the 500k and only pay the taxes; A-HA! moment
Started his own business and spent 50k in cash fixing the office; then learned he made a tax boo-boo
Learned that CPAs are not in the saving you money on your taxes business
Started Financial Gravity to help small business owners plan to optimize the tax code well before it's too late

John Pollock Links

Financial Gravity