Jim Palmer is a marketing and business building expert and in demand coach. He is the founder of the Dream Business Academy and Dream Business Coaching and Mastermind Program. Jim is the host of Dream Business Coach TV, the hit weekly Web TV show watched by thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners and he is also the host Stick Like Glue Radio, a weekly podcast based on Jim's unique brand of Smart Marketing and Business Building Strategies. Jim is best known internationally as 'The Dream Business Coach' and creator of No Hassle Newsletters, the ultimate 'done-for-you' newsletter marketing program used by hundreds of clients in nine countries.

Jim Palmer Vroom Veer Stories

Vrooming along in the corporate didn't see a veer coming...
Veer #1 fired from his corporate gig...ok...let's deal
12 months later veer #2, he is diagnosed with cancer
Decides to go into business for himself...yup that's a veer
12 months later the first business generates no revenue...keep going
Later, he finds his legs and create several multiple six-figure businesses
Now, loves helping business owners find their secret sauce with branding and marketing
Jim's coaching clients include Dr Carri and Susie Miller, who are both former guests of Vroom Vroom Veer!
Jim's Daugher, Jessica Rhodes, provides guests for my show (among many others) via her company Interview Connections

Jim Palmer Vroom Veer Stories

Dream Business Academy 4-6 May in San Diego, CA