Dan Evans joined as an infantry rifleman in the Marine Corps Reserve. In 2005, volunteered to be a recruiter to support the manpower needs of the Iraq war. One thing led to another and he was quickly promoted to supervisory roles in recruiting. Shortly after, he was training recruiters on presentation and sales skills and started to learn the ins-and-outs of social media to enhance the recruitment process. Taking initiative earned him my dream job pioneering social selling for Marine Recruiters.  To scratch a creative itch, he created The Military Entrepreneur Show podcast on his birthday in 2015.

Dan Evans Vroom Veer Stories

Right before 9/11, veered away from scripted path of a LDS mission
Feeling the "little anxiety" that comes with transitioning out of the Marine Corps
Recruited into full-time Marine recruiting, then realized he was an introvert
Started self-educating himself in how to communicate with audio books
Focus understanding instead of agreement; whoever wins the argument, loses
Marine Corps recruiting duty was primitive in 2005 - 20 hours a day with a paper tracking system
"Dream job" came in 2008 when he got the opportunity to lead Marines
His job was selling the idea of recruiting to his troops
Marines are comfortable being uncomfortable, and make jokes about shared adversity
In 2010, phone calls to generate leads started being more problematic
He started posting photos of recent boot camps grads to his office Facebook page
Realized the potential of social media to help meet recruiting goals
Social Media also made the life of recruiters a little better

Dan Evans Links

The Military Entrepreneur Show