Mark Shapiro left a six-figure job at Showtime Networks to inspire & empower 100,000+ people to “live an authentic life they’re proud of.” He is the Host of The One & Only Podcast on iTunes, creator of the Be You authenticity workshop, and a heralded transformational trainer/coach, and speaker. You can find more about Mark and his work at

Mark Shapiro Vroom/Veer Stories

Did a college internship at showtime networks, tried to learn instead of just checking off a requirement square
Impressed the right people at Showtime and was offered a job right out of college
Wanted to work in the creative side of showtime,  but worked in sales and marketing instead
Painful divorce left him open to new personal development experiences
Attended a transformational workshop where he developed a workshop of his own
The "be you" authenticity workshop was a success and provided high value
Realized he wanted to make a change and walked away from his six-figure job

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The One & Only Podcast