Has anyone noticed that there is a generational divide these days? Today we have 4 very defined Generations working side-by-side. Generation Y are also called Millennials or Digital Natives and working with Baby Boomers and Traditionalist. Ever wonder why this is an issue all of a sudden?

And WHY is Generation X being ignored?

Our guest today is Brad Szollose (Zol-is)…and he is a global business adviser and the foremost authority on Generational Issues and Workforce Culture Strategies who specializes in helping businesses large and small ignite their business productivity.

Author of the award-winning, international bestseller Liquid Leadership: From Woodstock to Wikipedia, Brad is a former C-level executive of a publicly traded company that he cofounded that went from entrepreneurial start-up to IPO in three years; the first Dot Com Agency to go public on NASDAQ. His company K2 Design, experienced 425% hyper-growth, due in part to a unique management style that won his company the Arthur Andersen NY Enterprise Award for Best Practices in Fostering Innovation among his workforce.

Today, Brad helps smart companies like Dell and MasterCard, understand just how much technology has transformed a new generation, and how that impacts corporate culture, management interaction, expectations, productivity and sales in The Information Age.

Brad Szollose Vroom - Veer Stories

Story about Star Wars - How did you discover this modern global "myth" that is so influential?
Video games in the home changed digital natives into an on-demand culture.
Student-Centered education went mainstream, flowed into the workplace
I was born in 1969...so what does that make me?  I am pre-1977...but I love Star Wars! :D
And WHY is Generation X being ignored?
GenXers have an opportunity to serve as a bridge between generations, I speak some of both of these languages.
Why are Valve and Zappos so scary to Boomers?
What does the future hold for Baby Boomers?

Brad Szollose Generational Distinctions

Pre-1977 Analog aka Digital immigrants
Post 1977 Digital Natives

Brad Szollose Links

Brad's Blog is at www.liquidleadership.com
Brad's website is at:  www.bradszollose.com
Brad Szollose on Twitter
Liquid Leadership+Generations-Behavorial-Chart (free PDF)
Brad's Keynote Promo Video (Funny and informative)