Villa Capplli!  Steven Crutchfield grew up in Kenedy, Texas, a small town with a population of 3,763. Being a bit of nerd, I graduated the top of my class
and moved to Austin, Texas to attend the University of Texas where my first class was bigger than my entire high school and my dorm was bigger than my entire hometown.

Eventually, graduating with a degree in both English and Advertising, I headed to the even bigger city of New York to make a go of it as a copywriter. I worked at various agencies along the way, including Grey, Bozell, Gotham and McCann-Erickson. Eventually, I left the agency word and worked in the magazine word, most notably at Every Day with Rachael Ray, Family Handyman and Taste of Home. Oh, and somewhere along the way I met Paul and began this crazy adventure with him.

Just like Paul, I left the corporate world in 2012 to focus on the Villa Cappelli brand. After years in the Italian travel, hospitality and food business, we are excited to share our learning and lives with you.

Villa Cappelli Vroom Vroom in Kenedy Texas

Steven and I chat about our shared small town childhoods, which are mostly a blur at this point.

Villia Cappelli Veer to College Days

We chat about the shock and awe of moving from a small town to a much bigger world at UT
He tells a story of being totally overwhelmed during his college orientation.

Villa Cappelli Vroom Vroom in College

A story about how he was a biology major for about 15 minutes, but ended up living in the "science" dorm.

Veer to New York

Great story about a trip during college when he was a Junior with a bunch friends who were seniors.
New York planted a seed...

Vroom Vroom in New York

Beating the street to get his first agency work
Getting burnt out working long hours 12+ hour days
Finally getting a job he loves...and losing it...and then there was that Villa in Italy

Villa Cappelli Veer to Italy

His boyfriend Paul bought a ruin of a villa in Italy
When Steven lost his last job, they decided to make the Villa into their Brand.

Vroom Vroom in Villa Cappelli

Villa Cappelli is a place to stay, and products such as olive oil
Steven comes full circle back to his small town roots

Villa Cappelli Links

The Pitch Season 1 Episodes 2 and 5 on iTunes
Love what you eat - Villa Cappellia Web Site


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