Jared Easley is the host of the podcast "Starve the Doubts" and the co-founder of the wildly popular Podcast Movement Event.

Stuck in the "friend" zone

In High School Jared always got stuck in the friend zone for a couple of years
Veered into the Navy

Montgomery? No Mobile!

I thought I had been in Montgomery, but turns out I was in Mobile.
Then in New England, all of sudden the girls there liked him more.
He didn't fall into the friend zone once he got out of the south.

Going back home, people see you differently

Both Jared and I experienced new reactions from women and people when going back home.

Make a bucket List

Take a step toward something toward something you intend to carry out

Jared 1st Duty Station was Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Jared feels like a NEW man
He saw the other side of racism being a White military dude in Hawaii
How Jeff got punched in Waikiki at an ATM because of the Rodney King verdict.
Jared decided to get know and make friends with locals, so he broke through the stereotypes.
Seeking first to understand versus working first to make agreement...from Dale Carnegie and Steven Covey.

Meeting Asian women

In Orlando, he wanted to meet a pretty Asian girl.
He found a party in Orlando where there might be some pretty Asian women.
Sometimes it takes 30 seconds of insane courage to make an awesome move.


Starve the Doubts
Podcast Movement