Michael Brooks of Nuclear Chowder Marketing started out in IT...but quickly learned he wasn't very good at it...he was good with people, selling, and getting jobs.  Mike has had a fascinating life with loads of veers....not so much vrooming.

Vrooming with Corporate IT Support job

Installing windows, working trouble tickets...not really good at it.
His boss told him that he wasn't very good at IT
Switched to working a sales support role in IT...which Mike really liked.
Tried his hand at programming...didn't like it.
He found out he was more creative, working with people and selling...also great at getting jobs.

Veer for Y2K

Tons of IT jobs supporting Y2K.
Got into web application development a little.

Martial Arts School Veer

His friend who owned a Martial Arts School started asking him "business" questions...even though he didn't have a clue.
He started working with his friend as an adviser.
One day, his buddy gave him a Dan Kennedy a marketing tape (cassette tape).

Grandfather has a heart attack at Mike's Wedding

Grand mom moves in while grandpa is in recovery
His 12 year-old cousin died of congenital heart disease.
Totally rocked Mike's world.

Mike was in the Air Force, but was never in the Air Force

He graduated high school barely, by the skin of a "D".
He dropped out of community college.
He joins the Air Force as an Administrative Specialist and is waiting to depart for basic training in the delayed enlisted program.
Before he can leave for basic, he is in a serious motorcycle accident.
His recruiter does the wrong thing and tells Mike to report to basic training without telling anyone about his accident.
Mike was in too much pain to complete basic training, so he left and never went back.



Nuclear Chower

@MichaelSBrooks on Twitter