Voodoo Agent - Gary Gold Luxury Real Estate Agent Best Practices and Top Realtor Training Tips


Music is "Good Thing" by Theodore

Episode 3 - To Win Big in Luxury Real Estate You Need to Lose Big

Agents who are successful in real estate on the highest level are competing with other agents that are just as good as they are. In the luxury game, homes are also much harder to sell and take a longer time. If you are not losing out on a regular basis, you are not putting yourself out there enough.

The agents I know at the top of their game are just as pissed as anyone else if they don’t get a listing, if they lose a listing, or if they don’t make a sale. The big difference is they make themselves feel better by listing or selling something bigger than the deal or listing they lost.

You can’t let setbacks get you down. In luxury real estate you can be having a very cold streak, and have depleted your bank account, and be super stressed. You are now convinced the real estate Gods have turned on you and little do you know you are one day away from making a huge sale and listing three new homes, all with multiple offers!

Expect ups and downs, and keep your cool.



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