My guest today is a social media influencer and online fitness coach Jordan Syatt. We had the amazing opportunity to chat about his life journey and how we went from wrestling to powerlifting, and now teaching literally thousands if not millions the truths behind sustainable weight loss

In this episode of Vive Nutrition Radio 

Living and Israel and getting called to become GaryVee’s personal trainer Important lessons Jordan learned working with Gary  Understanding what it takes to grow in social media and what people DO NOT see  The Big Mac Challenge and the positive impact it has created in thousands Understanding weight fluctuations and his experience with clients  Why you sometimes do not understand WHY you are not making progress and what can you do about it.  What he wished he knew as a young  trainer and nutrition coach The Swoosh effect  And more




I’m a 5x World Record Powerlifter Precision Nutrition and Westside Barbell Certified coach I have a Bachelors of Science in Health & Behavior Science with a focus in Strength & Conditioning I hold several powerlifting world records I’m Gary Vaynerchuk’s personal trainer, strength & nutrition coach I’m a 27th degree black belt in chugging coffee Training and nutrition aside... I’m obsessed with traveling I’m a huge mama’s boy Given one wish, I would be a wizard.


My mission in creating Syatt Fitness is to give you the knowledge and confidence to incorporate the best possible training and nutrition into your lifestyle.

Many of the points I make will directly contradict the conventional wisdom you’ve been brought up with. However, as you’ll see, all of my information is research-based and supported with years of experience and extraordinary success. If you are open to new ideas and willing to follow my advice you will see results.

I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you eliminate stubborn belly fat, gain strength, and build the body they’ve always wanted.


You and I are going to drink a lot of coffee together. Like, borderline dangerous amounts of coffee. So, first things first. Pour yourself a mug and I’ll introduce myself real quick. My name’s Jordan — but everyone calls me “J” — and I’m a 27th degree black belt in chugging coffee. I’m also a massive Harry Potter nerd, strength training & nutrition coach, I hold several powerlifting world records, and I’ve been very fortunate to have my writing featured in a variety of outlets like CNN, the Huffington Post, and This site isn’t for fame, publicity, cash, props, fist bumps, likes, pings, pows or whatever else there is. It’s a place where I can help you achieve your goals. See, this is my “Inner Circle.” A super secret, magical, unicorn-filled land only available to my Inner Circle Members. Inner Circle it’s where I give my all-time best workouts, nutrition guidelines, fat loss recipes, exclusive community forum membership access, and a lot more. LINKEDIN INFO My name is Jordan Syatt, I'm a strength training and nutritional consultant, and I'm the owner and operator of In addition to holding several IPA Powerlifting World Records, I'm Precision Nutrition Certified and a Westside-Barbell Certified Strength Coach. I'm a freelance writer and have been featured in publications such as Muscle & Fitness Magazine, Men's Fitness Magazine Magazine, and If you'd like to set up a consultation feel free to e-mail me at: [email protected]. Make sure to put QUERY in the subject line so I don't miss it. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or just want to drop by and say "whatsup!?" feel free :) Specialties: Athletic Performance, Fat Loss, and Mass Gain 

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