You may have heard that Kim Kardashian recently claimed to have lost 16lbs. in 3 weeks to fit into her dress for the Met Gala. In this episode, we discussed the issues with crash dieting and explained how these diets are never a good option for people looking to lose weight and keep it off. We discussed the binge-restrict cycle, the science of water weight, and the issues with trying to lose weight to fit into specific clothing.   The Cliff Notes   What did Kim Kardashian do to lose weight? Why this is important to talk about (even if I get hate for it) Crash dieting and the binge-restrict cycle Quick fixes vs. sustainable lifestyle changes Water weight and the science behind it Weight loss and fitting into old clothes     TO CONNECT WITH ME    On Instagram: On TikTok: On Youtube Podcast IG page: On Facebook: Our Facebook Community:   FREE RESOURCES To download my Macro Counting Guide tap here  To download my Macro friendly meal planning guide tap here   TO JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY  Not Another Diet Community - tap here   FOR NUTRITION COACHING Apply here at