Word of the Day: Self- Love
What 3 things are you thankful for?

Forgive & Release: Anyone or anything that isn’t for my Divine (SPF ME) success.

We are also releasing certain foods from our desires. So as you reach for something that is not going to fuel your body in a positive way, think twice- this is not for my highest and best.

Affirm: I receive/ingest only opportunities and things that are for my highest and best. Tap Tap and So it is (TTASII)

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IG: vivalife health hub and drkellyomd
website: Doctor's Clinic and Telehealth Services in California
Journal: Vivalife SPF ME Journal https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QNCY48G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_SASXNNDT0QBFJBPNRYAF