Enlarge thy Tent brings us to Isaiah's Prophetic book Chapter fifty-four. Isaiah describes in Part One Hundred-sixty-nine that they are to make room to receive the blessing of the Lord. Now forgiven and reunited with Jehovah we find the phrase LORD of Hosts used. They are not forsaken or a curse. Out of captivity the blessing will be such that they must make ready. They are promised that this will no fail nor be a cause of shame. The hand of the Lord has brought them out and the blessing will overflow to their joy. For it is promised "thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel" has done this. Their God ever present.

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Enlarge thy Tent is the promise to the now #delivered #Judah to expand, make room. The description is "Enlarge the place of thy tent" and "stretch for the curtains of thine habitations", "spare not, lengthen thy cords, strengthen thy stakes." For the once captive Judah has received #promises and to receive those, they must be prepared to make more room. It is a #command, it is a #blessing, it is fulfillment to once humiliated nation that #Godsblessing will be a #massiveoverflow. This overflow will be both to the right and to the left and it will #inherit the #Gentiles. The time of confusion and judgment is over. They will not be confounded nor ashamed. The nation is commanded as "Thy Maker is thine husband." No longer a widow, the nation is in the blessing of the #LORDofhosts.  

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com