Distress of Nations has begun to become a normal item on today's global national scene. Today when we find trouble for certain people, or even citizens of a socialist regime we can point to the government leadership of that nation. Even here in America, the Biden Admins push to change our nation has brought many problems.  The push of the globalist agenda also has created many problems for people. Thus, terrorism, war, wickedness, persecution, presents many problems for people who simply want to live their lives peaceably and raise their family.


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Distress of Nations can be seen today through the eyes of many people groups living in conflict zones. Many times these #conflictzones are simply too dangerous to live in. We find that many governments do not crack down on those within these zones who kill or kidnap Christians.  In these areas people live hostages. No freedoms, no escape. For instance, in #Africa we find the #Fulani who pursue #killingChristians. In addition, Boko Haram and others do the same thing. The recent control of #Afghanistan by the #Taliban was purely because of the rash misguided pullout by the Biden Administration that left many people there un the thumb of a #radicalIslamicgroup. One that #persecutesChristians.