He Who Comes arrives at part nine of Revelation Throne of Iniquity. Revelation paints a clear picture of the turmoil, supernatural darkness, and the judgment on the nations. For a world made by God and Father and our Lord Jesus Christ we find the nations of men on a collision course with their maker. While today science and technology are making the global cabal of nations believe they can become gods through all their science, the truth is their sins reveal it all. Corruption and Evil arrive on time as the evil contained in the hearts of men cannot be hid.

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He Who Comes reveals to us what the #Lord #Jesus #Christ already warned us. First there would many #deceivers who would come in #Hisname. Second, he comes in the Clouds. Third was a staunch warning to #BeNotDeceived! The #ThroneofIniquity led by the dark one of #Revelation chapter thirteen will deceive many. Just as Israel did not recognize #Yeshua, Jesus Christ because they were blinded; so too many will find deception. All those not found written in the #BookofLife will be deceived and take the mark. Today a prime example is in #America which was once full of the #Gospel, #Biblical #teachings, and a society that rejected many things that today's society relishes or desires. He Who Comes is a staunch warning to all that deception and truth is the choice for you to make.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com/shop