Choosing Wisely reveals the warning of the prophet was that those to whom he was writing had forsaken the Lord. They prepared a table, a #drinkoffering to the #Babylonian #god of fortune; herein known as Baal or Bel.  Included ae drink offerings and other sacrifices. They were among a large contingent of the #childrenofIsrael, here Judah who did so. In preparing their rebellion and forgetting the #LordGod tables would be laid out for their idols with all kinds of #offerings to the #gods. Jerome says of this "Tables were laid out for their #idols with all kinds of #viands [foods, substances], and a cup containing a mixture of wine and honey, in Egypt especially, on the last day of the year." Thus, we continue to address the #idolatry of #Judah as #Isaiah reveals what the consequences would be.  The vital importance is that the Lord would "number you to the sword". Herein, have a nice day people, but the #sword and #destruction come. Even #America should understand this with all her proclivities and #abominableways. #ChoosingWisely



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