Tribulation Persecution are two topics that intertwine with one another. For as Christ Jesus Said concerning those who persecute, murder, and put believers through dangerous tribulation do so "because they know not him that sent me" - John 15: 18-21. As Many different churches, beliefs, and those who make war on Christianity, Christians are distinguished by their #love, #compassion, and facing #death, #martyrdom, prison, or ongoing pressure to repent of their faith. Globally as we report on the ongoing Christian persecution, we find the oppression of and #war on #Christians not slowing down. But the wicked persist in their darkness and distain for forgiveness and a loving relationship with our #God and #Father and our #Lord #JesusChrist, Yeshua. There is no #mystery here as it is pointed out above, those who do these things to believers do not know our #GodandFather and the #LordJesus. They do not know #Hislove, #forgiveness, and #atonement for all people. If they truly would stop and listen, the #Lord would respond to them in #love and with #forgiveness ready if they would but seek him and #repent. #Tribulation, #Persecution


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#Tribulation #Persecution, #Redeeming #Christ, #Secession, #Martyred, #Faith of #Christ, #Advocacy, #Persecuted, #Church, @WarnRadio