Many Antichrists come forward in this fourth episode of the Redeeming Christ. The truth of #JesusChrist is Overcoming, #Redeemer, #Savior, #Lord, the #Alpha and #Omega.  He is the #Almighty in Revelation chapter one. We are told in John chapter one to receive him, believe on Him, and in John chapter three to be #bornagain by the #SpiritofGod. They in 1st John chapter One we are reminded to walk in the Light as He is in the #Light, this details our #relationship to him and #redemption. We are to know those brethren by the witness of the #SpiritofGod and #FaithofJesus, and seeing the Fruits of those brethren, we know them. Today as we are living among the #lastofdays and the soon coming of the #Lord we are reminding in Matthew twenty-four, Mark chapter thirteen, and Luke chapter twenty-one to "do not be deceived."  When we look back at the #earlychurch the #Apostles dealt with #manydeceivers who went behind them to deceive the believers. Today it is worse, especially since we have so many denominations, leaders, and bible variations; along with theologies that differ from one another. We must be #ChristJesus Based and, in #HisWord, #decerning every jot and tittle. Be sure you know the #Christ and the #Father, and #dwellinhisWord, #keepingthefaith. #ManyAntichrists





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