Hey there, you guys! Welcome back to another episode of Becoming the CEO of Your Life. Today we're diving into something a bit different but incredibly important—female friendships. This past weekend, I spent time with my college roommates in Olympia, Washington, and it was an eye-opening experience. It reminded me of how crucial these friendships are for our mental health and self-confidence.

In this episode, we cover:

The Power of Female Friendships: Reflecting on my weekend and the importance of having grounding, uplifting friends in our lives. Personal Priorities and Friendships: How my priorities have evolved and why I now see the value in making time for friendships. The Role of Friendships in Self-Understanding: How deep conversations and shared experiences help us see ourselves more clearly. Insights and Feedback from Friends: The benefits of having friends who offer different perspectives and help us grow. Encouragement and Support: Why it's essential to surround ourselves with friends who uplift and encourage us. Practical Tips for Deepening Friendships: How to listen without an agenda, regularly connect, and be vulnerable and honest with your friends.


0:00 - Introduction: The importance of female friendships 1:00 - Personal reflections on prioritizing friendships 2:00 - How friendships contribute to self-understanding and confidence 3:00 - The benefits of receiving feedback and different perspectives 4:00 - Encouragement and support from friends 5:00 - Tips for deepening and maintaining friendships

Key Takeaways:

Reflect on your own friendships and their impact on your life. Reach out to a friend today and let them know how much they mean to you. Be selective, intentional, and make friendships a priority in your life.

I also have a brand new training on my website about cultivating self-trust and unwavering conviction. It’s a powerful resource, and you can find it at janeenalley.com/webinar.

Thank you for tuning in! If you found value in this episode, please share it with friends and leave a review. Let’s continue to support and uplift each other.

Have a beautiful rest of your week, and we’ll talk soon. See ya!

Connect with me:

Instagram: @janeenalleycoaching Facebook: Janeen Alley LinkedIn: Janeen Alley