Previous Episode: 30. What's on Your Plate?
Next Episode: 32. All the Feels

In Proverbs 29:18 it says..... "Where there is no vision, the people perish." In this episode, I talk about VISION.

Your life has a blueprint. When you built Your home (or whoever did), there was a blueprint. There was a plan for that structure. God made you for a purpose, and we can choose to step into that purpose as our hearts are open.

Do you know that seed planted in your heart? Don’t fight against it. It’s a God-seed. It's your Divine DNA – follow it.

How do I know if you’ve been successful? Sometimes we may set goals that are random and not even connected or aligned with that personal vision. I'm inviting you in this episode to not only create your own Personal Life Vision but also create your own Success Criteria.

What is YOUR success criteria?? Try answering this question: “I know I’m BEING successful when…..”

Then write down 10 items that align with your personal life vision. It’s not so much about DOING but BEING!