Some of the world's most successful women, including Judy Faulkner, ranked No. 3 on Forbes' "America's Richest Self-Made Women" list, have one important thing in common: they know how to listen to their inner voice - their intuition, or instinct, or a Higher Power - and make confident, bold decisions with clarity and ease. And they DO NOT  allow what "everyone else is doing" to sway their decisions. In this Happy Bit I challenge you to go inward and listen to your gut and allow that inner GPS to empower you to live a confident, unstoppable life. 

Your challenge: whenever you feel unsure of what to do, or looking around at what everyone else is doing. STOP! Go inward and listen to God, or the Universe or your gut instinct to find out what YOU need to do. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic... join me in the Vibrant Happy Women Facebook group and share 1 thing you've learned recently as a result of slowing down and truly listening to that inner voice. 

Make it a great week!


Epic Systems

Judy Faulkner

The Giving Pledge (Gates & Buffet)

Forbes "Richest Self-Made Women" List

Capital Times Article About Judy