Are you feeling like no matter what you do, nothing that you want is manifesting into your life?

Stagnant and old energy that doesn't fuel your soul may be holding you back from having all that you want.

In this episode discover:

-The subconscious vs the conscious mind and why knowing the difference is the most important part of manifesting health and abundance into your life.

-How to clear out old energy and make room for the new.

-Evaluate which relationships actually serve you and which don't and the system I use to evaluate this.

-The book that helped me understand why purging what doesn't feel good is extremely important.

-The ONE thing I would run into a fire for if my house was on fire.

-Taking responsibility for the energy you bring and allow yourself around.

-Setting ruthless boundaries to life your highest vibration life.

-Why everyone is an empath to an extent and how to protect yourself.

-Clean our your CELLULAR closet.

-Letting go of the person you once were and evolve into the person you want to be.


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