Do you have a home frequency/vibration that tells you when you are in our out of alignment or on the right track to create the life that you want?

There's a blueprint you can follow to help you navigate your vibration.

In this episode you will learn:

-The formula I teach my coaching clients to begin to elevate their vibration and sustain it. (Note: I forgot to mention one which is Grounding and NATURE. An episode on this topic alone coming soon)

-Owning your energy and remembering that you create and mirror in everything in your day.

-How you can quite literally create new and improved cells inside your body. Rejuvenate and begin to feel and look younger day after day.

-Why having a system (formula) creates an auric shield to become untouchable. 

-What you aren't born with, you can learn. Success leaves clues.

-Turn a victim mentality into a victor mentality when you start to realize the difference between being intentional about your habits and how it truly affects your energy. 

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