I had to beg him to do this, but John agreed to talk to me about what it was like growing up black in the whitest town in America. We...

I had to beg him to do this, but John agreed to talk to me about what it was like growing up black in the whitest town in America. We talk about how they called the cops when he wouldn’t wear a mask, recently; whether he’s been the victim of “institutional racism”; and what he thinks about Black Lives Matter, the recent protests, and people talking about their “white privilege.” Just for fun, we tell the story of how we met; what we gave up, on Jan. 1 this year and how we feel about it; and we answer questions my followers sent me, such as, “Have you ever been the victims of racism, as a bi-racial couple?”

The post Ep. 193: My Partner John Talks About Being Black In America with John Kellogg appeared first on GreenSmoothieGirl.