Judy Mikovits, PhD, is a biochemist and molecular biologist who worked in top government labs on the Ebola, HIV, and coronaviruses like SARS. When she refused to participate in a...

Judy Mikovits, PhD, is a biochemist and molecular biologist who worked in top government labs on the Ebola, HIV, and coronaviruses like SARS. When she refused to participate in a cover up, she was threatened and briefly went to jail, where they demanded she write a confession, and she refused. This interview was a brilliant expose on how viruses are discovered and genetically engineered for profit. Dr. Mikovits exposes fraud at the highest level in the CDC and other agencies Americans believe keep us safe from infectious disease in her new book, “Plague of Corruption”.


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[00:10:12]: Fraud! Dr. Judy Mikovits talks about her first interaction with the man behind the corruption.
[00:19:03]: Puzzle Pieces. Dr. Judy Mikovits explains how Covid-19 doesn’t fit a SARS-Cov-2 virus.
[00:27:37]: Risks. Dr. Judy Mikovits explains some of the risks when mixing human and animal tissue for a virus.
[00:41:53]: Contaminated. Dr. Judy Mikovits explains why Covid-19 is not a natural evolution virus as well as the questionable ingredients in common vaccines.
[00:55:21]: Jailed. Dr. Judy Mikovits explains why she was jailed in regards to her research and the coverup.
[01:02:37: Masks. Dr. Judy Mikovits explains why masks can do more harm than good.
[01:18:17]: Germ Theory of Disease. Dr. Judy Mikovits explains the germ theory of disease and a deathbed confession.
[01:35:53]: Hope. Dr. Judy Mikovits explains our next steps in standing up for freedom and our rights.



Read the full transcript on our website: https://greensmoothiegirl.com/your-high-vibration-life/episodes/virologist-blows-whistle-interview-dr-judy-mikovits-phd/

[Related Vibe Podcast Episode: Ep. 153: Vaccines! Are They Effective? Are They Safe? With Stephanie Seneff, PhD]

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