Vinny is a Physical Preparation specialist . He has been training athletes of all levels and backgrounds, including professionals, for 12 years. As a VertiMax Master Trainer, he travels to teach and educate others in his field. Vinny is never complacent, and his willingness to continue educating himself allows him to best serve his athletes. He has traveled through the U.S., Canada and to Europe to work with athletes and trainers.    His purpose is to strengthen his clients both mentally and physically and show them what they are truly capable of.  Always pushing the boundaries, Vinny's love of sport science, his study of the human body and passion for building better, stronger and smarter athletes are the key components of his training process. His position within his own company, Scollo Speed & Strength, allows him to apply his knowledge on a daily basis.


In this episode, Vinny shares what he often sees in volleyball athletes and what trainers can do to help balance out an athlete's natural imbalances by using the VertiMax. The way an athlete overcompensates their body can tell you a lot about how they move on and off the field, and gives you the opportunity to correct it before it turns into a career-ending injury. 


Key Takeaways:

[2:10] What are some common injuries Vinny sees in his volleyball athletes? 

[3:40] It’s common for athletes to overcompensate due to weak muscles. 

[4:25] It’s important to look at single leg activities. It will tell you a lot about the human body. 

[4:50] A coach has to be looking at hip, ankle, knee, and shoulder instabilities.

[5:30] What should a coach do if they see a nagging muscle weakness? 

[7:15] What should a coach do if they get a new or fresh athlete that’s ready to jump right in to a competitive sport? 

[8:40] Volleyball is an explosive sport. During off-season, it’s critical to get the human body ready for these movements. 

[10:20] Want more specialized training? Check out the VertiMax app! 



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“You’re seeing a lot of soft tissue injuries, shoulder injuries from over usage, and not having the proper muscles; some are overactive and others are under active."


"A lot of athletes have extremely tight ankles. You sometimes have to give them the less is more approach."