Vinny is a Physical Preparation specialist . He has been training athletes of all levels and backgrounds, including professionals, for 12 years. As a VertiMax Master Trainer, he travels to teach and educate others in his field. Vinny is never complacent, and his willingness to continue educating himself allows him to best serve his athletes. He has traveled through the U.S., Canada and to Europe to work with athletes and trainers.    His purpose is to strengthen his clients both mentally and physically and show them what they are truly capable of.  Always pushing the boundaries, Vinny's love of sport science, his study of the human body and passion for building better, stronger and smarter athletes are the key components of his training process. His position within his own company, Scollo Speed & Strength, allows him to apply his knowledge on a daily basis.


In this episode, Vinny shares his endurance tactics to increase a player’s quality of movement and energy reserves. A soccer athlete is constantly stopping and going plus their movements are very dynamic and they can be prone to injury, so every coach has to be mindful as to where they need their athlete to go during game time. Vinny shares how the VertiMax hits these goals for peak performance. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:40] How does the Vertimax increase a player’s endurance? 

[4:10] Athletes are able to take full advantage of the dynamic angles the VertiMax provides. 

[4:30] From an endurance standpoint, the VertiMax can push the athlete to new heights in a safe way.

[5:35] At the end of the day, if you want to get fast, you have to move fast.

[6:15] Vinny breaks down how he helps his athletes have more power and reserve during the 4th quarter. 

[8:40] When it comes to changing direction, you can go so many different ways with it. 

[9:10] Every movement a soccer player is going to do, you can create resistance for on the VertiMax. 



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“The VertiMax is a really dynamic tool because of the resistance being so fluid."


"For every 10 yards, take a 60 seconds rest. You want to optimize and make sure they’re in full recovery for each sprint."