Good Day Lovelies,

Veronda Bellamy Inspired is committed to bringing you something soulful and inspirational from the textures of the show. She understands that life can get the best of you and really wants to provide you with insight that will guide you into an indentified purpose and intentional living. This show is catered to living in balance and is the start of L.I.F.T. (LEARNING IN FELLOWSHIP TOGETHER) a new Seminar that Veronda Bellamy Inspired will be hosting. Veronda Bellamy Inspired is dedicated to Helping You to Learn to Recover from any Pain. Join Us! So often in life, we allow our pain points to stagnate us, prevent us from walking into our destiny. Sometimes it's from pure, oblivious nature, but other times, it's from lack of knowledge and lack of faith application.

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Note: Be sure to download the Spreaker App for ease of listen. For all iTune users, you may listen via your iTunes app by typing in the show name, Veronda Bellamy Inspired.

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