1:10 - Traditional Weightlifter - How do you break a plateau

4:33 - What as a coach can I do as a coach to get a person off a plateau?

11:23 Defining Expectations.

- Beginner 0-6 Months … Gain 1-1.5% Of bodyweight per month on the right programming

- Intermediate - 6 Months - to 18 Months - Gain .5%-1% of total bodyweight per month

- Advanced - 18 Months and beyond - .25%-5% - Gain total bodyweight per month

14:41 - Define your purpose and are all plateau’s bad

20:16 - An action plan to fix your issues

Speed of movement, Concentric vs Eccentric, Mind Muscle Connection, Time Under Tension, Reps, Weight, Load or Volume

25:31 - Journaling

27:01 - Why digital journaling like Metron is superior to paper.

28:41 - How to advance your programming if you are stuck on the machines.

29:34 - The advanced athlete who is stalled are they overtraining?

35:37 - How do you know if you are overtraining?


Craig  Capurso's
